How to use Small Batch Marketing to Grow Your Small Business Brand—NEW for 2021.

by Doc Kane

by Doc Kane

Updated: May 26, 2021

Small Business Sucess Starts with Creativity and Hustle

Thirty years in marketing, promotions, and sales has taught me a few things about how people react to communication (both good and bad), and how to leverage that awareness into successful on-street promotions and guerilla marketing that help enhance small business brands in the marketplace.

But, the best part of having a feeling as to what makes people tick, goes beyond brand awareness and priming the pump for sales. The best part is that you develop a sense as to what’s important to people. And that, my friends is a gold mine when it comes the recruitment of talent. Wait. Do you mean that marketing can inform HR, and who we recruit for talent can help boost our brand and aid marketing? You bet.

In this episode of my Marketers Who Can’t Market podcast, I tackle this idea I refer to as Small Batch Marketing. What is small batch marketing? It’s where a big effort up front, focused on a small  well-researched audience, yields an equal or greater return of investment on the back end.

Check it out after the jump. I provide numerous examples as to how this sort of tactical, but genuine marketing and interpersonal program works. Enjoy.

And, of course, for more Small Business Marketing Strategy, subscribe to the channel, or swing by any day of the week. I post a new episode each and every day.


Small Business Marketing Strategies That Work. Introducing: Small Batch Marketing.

So, what do you think? Is 2021 your year to finally start a small business side hustle? Register your domain name for only $18.00, and get a grid hosting plan (the exact plan I use) for only $20.00 a month.

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About Me

Howdy, all, I'm Doc. I live in the beautiful port city of Kobe, JAPAN with my wife Reiko. Together we co-founded the Japanese literature translation firm, Maplopo. Nihon Hustle grew out of my desire to help others interested in working with, or starting, a business Japan—or anywhere else in the world!

We all wear different hats and my job is to help you find the one that fits you best. Thanks for reading, and go get 'em!